Application process

Applications must be submitted on-line via the application tool of the IberusExperience website and using the available templates. Applications received by other means will not be eligible.

1. Publication of the call

The call will be published on November 1st 2021 and it will be opened for 3 months until January 31st 2022.

2.  Application process

The call for applicants opens on the date of its publication and it will close on January 31st 2022 at 23:59 (Central European Time – CET).

The full application pack consists of:

  • Administrative form in the Application Tool: incl. Project number, Personal Information, Education, Research Outputs, Professional Experience, Complementary Skills, Fellowship Information, GDPR consent and declaration of compliance with the eligibility criteria.
  • Scanned copy of identity card, resident’s card or passport in force.
  • Certificates: scanned copy of all academic certificates in your CV (PhD, MSc, BSc, others).
  • CV in free format (MAX 2 pages – the information of the candidate must be included in the dedicated sections of the Application Tool). Please specify if any career gaps because of maternity or paternity leave or any other career breaks, unconventional paths, refugee status, disabilities, victim of gender, data protection needs or any special needs.
  • Research proposal in the provided template.

    Download Template

  • Ethics self-assessment questionnaire.

    Download Questionnaire

  • Personal Career Development Plan in the provided template.

    Download Template

  • Reference letters (2 max.) in free format (optional but recommended).

All documents must be presented in English. Only academic certificates may be presented in other EU official languages such as French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish.

3. Evaluation process: evaluation of their application.


A list of eligible and non-eligible applicants will be published at the website. Candidates will have 14 calendar days to deliver missing documentation to duly justify eligibility. Eligibility will be reassessed and the definitive list of eligible applicants will be published. Only eligible candidates will be further evaluated.


The evaluation of the applicant’s CV and research proposal will be done by an independent evaluation agency according to the Evaluation and Selection Criteria. Upon evaluation by the external agency a list of pre-selected candidates passing the thresholds will be ranked and published. Pre-selected candidates based on their scores will be invited to the interview phase.

3rd step – INTERVIEW

Candidates will be interviewed by the technical committee of the university of their application and evaluated according to the Evaluation and Selection Criteria. The interview will have an approximate duration of 45 minutes through an online secured platform.


The Ethical Committee will revise the ethics self-assessments provided by the applicants and evaluate if they may arise any ethical issues. Recommendations will be given to ensure compliance with the national and EU legal framework. Projects may be finally discarded if they involve major unresolved ethical issues.

In case activities undertaken in non-EU countries raise ethics issues, the beneficiary must confirm that the research conducted outside the EU is legal in at least one EU Member State.


Candidates passing all phases of the evaluation will be ranked according to their final scores in a final raking list per university. The list will be published at the programme’s website. Candidates with the highest scores will be selected by following the ranking order until covering the number of the available positions at the corresponding university. Non selected candidates passing both phases of the evaluation process will be part of the waiting list in ranking order.


Campus Iberus will communicate the results to all the applicants, regardless of whether they are rejected, selected or on the waiting list. The awarded applicants will receive an official invitation to join the IberusExperience Programme and will be given 14 calendar days to accept. In case of resignation, the following candidate on a score basis will be contacted and successively. Upon acceptance, the recruiting university will start the fellow’s appointment process (contracting formalities, visa application, migratory processes, etc).


Contracts will start no later than November 2022.